Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 11, 2016 GOPUSA ILLINOIS Evening Edition Email

-- Tension in the Rauner Family Amid Lawsuit - Mary Ann Ahern and Carol Marin
-- Donald Trump's 'Pocahontas' attack on Elizabeth Warren leaves GOP struggling to defend him - Matea Gold, Karoun Demirjian, Mike DeBonis
-- OUTSTANDING: Lincolnwood upholds video gambling ban citing 'moral issues' - Natalie Hayes
-- Chicago: Should I stay or should I go? - Heidi Stevens  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the Democrats who run Chicago make it clear that they want you to go if you are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.  How many of the aforesaid demographics does Stevens have?)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they want to abolish the Second Amendment.
-- Trump calls for GOP unity but continues intraparty attacks, targeting Romney
-- Cook County made YUUUGE error on Trump Tower tax bill - Tim Novak and Chris Fusco
-- Let Edgar mediate a state budget agreement - Editorial (DIERSEN: Edgar has always been far more critical of conservatives than of Democrats.)
-- When are you too high to drive? - Tara Becker  (DIERSEN: People who drink booze, smoke pot, or do anything else to escape reality should not drive or do anything else for that matter.  They are a danger to everyone around them.)
-- Rauner cash a big factor in November election - Bernard Schoenburg
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: SJ-R promotes pot.  If you promote pot, you are anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.
-- State's sinking fast - Doug Finke
-- Blame game won't break budget stalemate - State Sen. Steve Stadelman, D-Rockford, 34th district (DIERSEN: Who blames you?  The following blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone's problems: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- Romney loyalists ponder a future with Trump - AP  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who agrees with Romney and with Romney loyalists? ANSWER: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- Trump: Elizabeth Warren is 'very racist' Clinton said republicans should disavow Trump - CNN  (DIERSEN: Who wants people to disavow you?  The following want people to disavow me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- Clinton campaign releases parody ad for Trump University  Fake infomercial says business is scam - CNN
-- TRAGIC: Medical marijuana suppliers optimistic about Illinois program's future - Jack Cullen  (DIERSEN: In your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois, what percent of the residents are stoners or want to be stoners?  All stoners either are wards of the state or will be wards of the state.  What percent of them are Democrats or Libertarians?)
-- Tinley Park Shocked by Village’s Dirty Tricks with Upcoming Meeting on 6/16/16 - John Kraft
-- Romney loyalists ponder a future with Trump - AP  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who agrees with Romney and with Romney loyalists? ANSWER: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- Donald Trump Responds to Mitt Romney: ‘Had His Chance,’ ‘Choked Like a Dog’ - ALEX SWOYER  (DIERSEN: I was there at the 2008 CPAC when Romney withdrew.)
-- Obama Civil Rights Director: Against American Values To Keep Men Out Of Women’s Bathroom - Peter Hasson  (DIERSEN: Because of the Democrats, women's bathrooms are no longer safe places for women.)
-- Hillary gives inequality speech wearing $12,495 jacket (DIERSEN: What do you say to those want me to spend more money on clothes?)
-- Trump turns to supporters for VP pick - Kristen East  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors want Trump's VP to be anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- HP CEO Whitman compares Trump to Hitler, Mussolini - STEVE HOLLAND
-- Mitt Romney critical of '16 field for losing to Donald Trump - Eric DuVall  (DIERSEN: Who is critical of you?  The following are critical of me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid. Will the '16 field forgive Romney?  So far, my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me.)
-- Romney tears into GOP for not criticizing Trump - Teddy Schleifer  (DIERSEN: Who tears into you?  The following tear into me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.  So far, my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me.)
-- Furious GOP donors stew over Trump  At an exclusive Park City retreat, some of the Republican Party's top financiers lashed out at their nominee. - Alex Isenstadt
-- Donald Trump: GOP "really should get their act together"- REENA FLORES (DIERSEN: The GOP's "BIG TENT" policy allows, in not encourages those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors to seek and to hold leadership positions in the party. Of course, needless-to-say, the aforesaid work against me.  One could argue that the Democrat Party could easily abolish the Republican Party, but does not because then the Democrat Party would not have anything to blame its problems on.)
-- Romney loyalists’ divisions over Trump spill out into the open at Utah summit - Philip Rucker
-- Trump promises to protect one group of Americans, to the exclusion of all others - Colbert I. King  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they want to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- A Combative Donald Trump Shows Up at Tampa and Pittsburgh Rallies - BETH REINHARD
-- Trump Mocks Romney on ‘Trickle-Down Racism’ Comment - Kevin Cirilli
-- Federal Court: Agencies Can Punish Employees for Refusing to Break Rules - Eric Katz  (DIERSEN: Constructively, in Diersen v. GAO, the U.S. Appellate Court for the 7th Circuit ruled that federal agencies can punish their employees who complain about reverse discrimination or about age discrimination. If you are a non-veteran White male federal employee, if you want to keep your job, if you want to get promoted, you have to help your superiors and your supervisors get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

-- Majority of workers over 45 not training for new jobs, survey shows - Matthew Raggatt  (DIERSEN: In 1992, when I was 44 years old, I started taking graduate courses in financial markets and trading at IIT; I paid for those courses with my own money.  Why did I do that?  To get me to leave GAO, my Democrat superiors had made it clear that they would never again assign me to audits of IRS.  I had worked for IRS 1971-1980 and I had been assigned to audits of IRS 1986-1988. Since 1990, my Democrat GAO superiors had assigned me to audits of federal financial industry regulators and my supervisor had made it clear that she wanted her employees to do take such courses, but none of them did. I earned a master's degree from IIT in financial markets and trading in 1997.  But then, in 1997, my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to retire to punish me and to make an example out of me for complaining about reverse discrimination and age discrimination and to give my job and my preferred corner office to one of my subordinates who was a Democrat, a minority, and younger than me.)

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