Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 4, 2016 GOPUSA ILLINOIS email

-- Illinois lawmakers fail to approve budget, but did send 400+ bills to Rauner - Celeste Bott
-- Rauner risks losing the blame game - RICH MILLER  (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents blame you for?  My critics/opponents blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone's problems. My critics/opponents a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- DePaul President Dennis H. Holtschneider Says Milo Yiannopoulos Aimed To 'Ignite Racial Tensions' - Mina Bloom  (DIERSEN: I earned a master's degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980.  From what I see, Holtschneider would side with my critics/opponents against me.  My critics are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- It's time for Illinois to end internet lottery sales - Anita Bedell  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who promote gambling, their operatives, and their dupes work against me.)

-- Clinton suggests Trump wants to become 'a dictator'  Comments come after Trump said Clinton should 'go to jail' - CNN  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois a) who want to be a dictator, b) who serve as operatives for those who want to be a dictator, and c) those who serve as dupes for those who want to be a dictator.  The aforesaid focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)
-- Trump defends criticism of judge with Mexican heritage  Trump calls for judge to recuse himself from the case - CNN  (DIERSEN: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 forced me to retire when I was 49 years old.  In Diersen v. GAO, if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran, the judge would NOT have denied me my Seventh Amendment rights.  But then again, if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old.)
-- Skillicorn Berates Democrats on Budget Failure - Cal Skinner
-- Skillicorn Fundraiser - Cal Skinner
-- Jack Franks Still Running for State Rep. – Part 15 -- Poll Thursday Night - Cal Skinner
-- Did Rep. Adam Kinzinger Pull A Kirk And Endorse A Democrat Over A Conservative
-- How will Facebook, Google and Twitter define the "Hate" they plan to censor? - L. Brent Bozell III  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, they define "Hate" as being a) anything that defends/advances conservative/Republican principles and b) anything that criticizes liberal/Democrat principles, libertarian/Libertarian principles, or green/Green principles.)
-- DePaul President Dennis H. Holtschneider Grovels To Campus Left-Wingers Despite Threats Of Violence At Milo Event - ALLUM BOKHARI (DIERSEN: I earned a master's degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980.  From what I see, Holtschneider would side with my critics/opponents against me.  My critics are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
-- Mitch McConnell on Trump's Rhetoric: 'I Wish He Would Discontinue It' - Todd Beamon  (DIERSEN: Who wants you to discontinue your rhetoric?  The following want me to discontinue my rhetoric: those who: a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- How Bernie Sanders's Socialism Funds Massive Income Inequality - Michael Bargo, Jr.
-- Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago - Jarod Paul Young
-- 2016 ELECTION EMAIL FROM 'ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT'  Message not what would be expected from harsh critic of Trump - BOB UNRUH
-- Anti-Trump protesters burn American flag - Jesse Byrnes
-- Clinton struggles to improve her likability - Amie Parnes (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents want you to do to improve your likability?  My critics/opponents want me to a) admit that I caused all of their problems, b) admit that I caused all of your problems, c) admit that I caused all of my problems, and d) admit that I caused all of everyone's problems.  My critics/opponents a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- Illinois May Soon Guarantee Students Their First Amendment Rights  The Illinois General Assembly has passed a bill that is headed to the governor’s desk. - Rebecca Klein  (DIERSEN: When will Republican Precinct Committeemen in Illinois like me be guaranteed their First Amendment rights?  I should write a book about nasty/troubled/failed/vicious past and present Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party members, officers, employees, consultants, volunteers, contributors, etc. WHO TALK AND ACT LIKE THEY HAVE NOT ONLY THE RIGHT, BUT THE OBLIGATION TO DESTROY ANY REPUBLICAN PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN LIKE ME WHO THEY CANNOT MANIPULATE/DOMINATE.  Many of the aforesaid read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to get information to use to destroy those who they cannot manipulate/dominate.  What do you say to the aforesaid nasty/troubled/failed/vicious people?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Student journalists in Illinois may soon be able to work without fear of censorship due to a bill making its way to the governor’s desk that would codify their rights. House Bill 5902 passed the Illinois House and Senate late last month. It maintains that public high school student journalists have the legally protected right to determine the news and opinion content in their publication, regardless of whether their school district approves. It also protects school employees from being dismissed or retaliated against for protecting student journalists. The bill naturally does not condone libelous or slanderous speech, or speech that provokes students to break school rules. It passed the House and Senate on the last day of the Illinois General Assembly’s spring session. If Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) does not sign or veto the bill within 60 days, it will automatically become law. The governor’s office said Friday that the bill is being reviewed but didn’t offer any further indication of Rauner’s expected action on it. The protections in the bill already exist for college students in the state. The legislation would be “one of the nation’s strongest laws protecting the independence of high school journalism,” according to the Student Press Law Center. It pushes back against the 1988 Supreme Court ruling, Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, which said that a school administrator could censor a school-sponsored publication without it being a violation of the rights of student journalists. “No expression made by students in the exercise of freedom of speech or freedom of the press shall be deemed an expression of school policy, and no school district or employee or parent, legal guardian, or official of the school district shall be held liable in any civil or criminal action for any expression made or published by,” says the bill. Student journalist Hope Johnson, who testified in support of the bill before a House committee, celebrated the bill’s passage.  “I cannot even begin to explain how much this bill means to me,” Johnson said, in a release from the Student Press Law Center. “I learned about the Hazelwood case my freshman year of journalism, and it made my blood boil, so to speak. I was under the impression that everyone had freedom of speech, but that apparently wasn’t the case for high school journalists.”  Other states around the country, including California, North Dakota and Maryland, have enacted similar laws. Indeed, students around the country have been retaliated against for their editorial decisions. In 2014, the editor-in-chief and faculty adviser of a school newspaper in Pennsylvania were punished after refusing to print the slur “redskin,” which is the name of their high school mascot. “Detractors will argue that the word is used with all due respect. But the offensiveness of a word cannot be judged by its intended meaning, but by how it is received,” the editorial board of the paper wrote explaining their decision to ban the word in 2013.)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps side with Judge Curiel against Trump.
-- FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say that Trump "Could Threaten U.S. Rule of Law."
-- Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, Is Setting the G.O.P. Agenda - JENNIFER STEINHAUER  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican Precinct Committeeman?  Who sets the agenda for your township party organization, for your county party organization, and for the Illinois Republican Party?)
-- And if Elected: What President Trump Could or Couldn’t Do - ERIC POSNER
-- Higher Education in Illinois Is Dying - AMY HASSINGER  (DIERSEN: What college degrees did you earn in Illinois and when? I earned a master's degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, a master's degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and a bachelor's degree in management from NIU in 1970.)
-- The unemployment rate for 25-to-34-year-olds who graduated from a four-year college is 2.4% - QUOCTRUNG BUI  (DIERSEN: Yes, but how many of the 97.6% hold jobs that DO NOT REQUIRE A COLLEGE DEGREE?)
-- For Many Women, Adequate Pensions Are Still a Far Reach - ELIZABETH OLSON  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that GAO should have forced me to retire in 1993 instead of 1997 so that a woman could have my job and my corner office 4 years sooner, b) that GAO should have promoted a woman instead of me in 1986, c) that GAO should hired a woman instead of me in 1980, d) that IRS should have promoted a woman instead of me in 1974, 1973, and 1972, e) that IRS should have hired a woman instead of me in 1971, f) that the Post Office should have forced me to resign much sooner than 1969 so that a woman could have my job, and g) that the Post Office should have hired a woman instead of me in 1966.)
-- Are You in Despair? That’s Good - LISA FELDMAN BARRETT  (DIERSEN: Who wants you to be in despair?  The following want me to be in despair: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.)
-- Tourist who put a baby bison in SUV: ‘I thought it was going to be a happy ending’ - Sarah Larimer  (DIERSEN: No good deed goes unpunished.  SEE:
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Shamash Kassam was fined after pleading guilty to a wildlife disturbance citation, according to the CBC. As part of his probation, he was also told that he “shall not pick up any more bison,” CBC reports.)
-- Muhammad Ali was convicted for draft evasion and sentenced to five years in prison in 1967  (DIERSEN: Are you a draft dodger?  Ever since 1966 when I sought and obtained a draft deferment to attend UIC, my critics/opponents have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being a draft dodger.  I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997.  My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government )
-- The violence at Donald Trump's rally is unwelcome news for Democrats - Evan Halper
-- A Party Divided, and None Too Soon  Beltway Republicans will have to come to terms with how they lost Middle America. - PEGGY NOONAN  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about past and present Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants, etc. members, employees, volunteers, officers, donors, consultants, etc. who focus/focused on getting rid of those who share my demographics - a) baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, b) conservative, c) Republican, d) American, e) White, f) male, g) older (67), h) non-poor, i) gun owner, and/or j) ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
-- A Guaranteed Income for Every American  Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture - CHARLES MURRAY

-- 'Teaching For Social Justice' Spurs Campus Censorship - Tom Lindsay
-- What Does It Mean to Be a Republican?  Donald Trump is putting that question to the test. - PRISCILLA ALVAREZ  (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  The more planks in the Republican Party platform that you fail/refuse to defend/advance, THE LESS REPUBLICAN THAT YOU ARE. YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN IF YOU WORK AGAINST PLANKS IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM.)
-- Changes to Veterans’ Preference Could Be On the Horizon - Kellie Lunney  (DIERSEN: If I had been a veteran, I might still be working for the federal government.  When Republicans cut GAO's budget dramatically during the 1990s, GAO employees who were members the following groups were protected from suffering any adverse impact: Democrat, minority, female, younger, and veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Veterans’ preference would only apply to a vet’s first job in federal service under a provision in the Senate fiscal 2017 Defense authorization bill. The provision, which is new this year, would not allow veterans’ preference – a confusing and often controversial factor in federal hiring – to be an advantage in any subsequent federal jobs that an eligible employee applies for. In other words, vets would receive the additional points that veterans’ preference confers during the application process for their first jobs in federal government, but not for any future positions within the competitive service. The measure also would affect certain close relatives of veterans, including spouses and parents, who are eligible for veterans’ preference under specific circumstances when applying for federal jobs. While the provision is part of the annual Defense policy bill, it would apply governmentwide. The House NDAA, which lawmakers in that chamber passed last month, does not contain a similar provision. Many hiring managers, human resources specialists, and veterans do not understand how vets’ preference works in federal hiring. It’s played a role in complaints filed over whether the benefit -- designed to help former service members find jobs and increase diversity in government – was applied fairly. Veterans and non-veterans have complained about being shut out of government service because of it.)

-- Eric Fanning can now 'embrace' being known as first gay U.S. Secretary of the Army  'It's so important to so many people, I realize' - Greg Hernandez  (DIERSEN: I am 67 years old.  From what I see, sooner or later, sadly, all LGBTQ people, their operatives, and their dupes, focus on destroying those like me who do not promote LGBTQ activity.  Should I write a book about those who promote LGBTQ activity, their operatives, and their dupes who focus on destroying me?)

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